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Movie in the Park 2020 was Amazing!

The weather was perfect, the crowds were respectful and the popcorn was tasty!

On September 17 2020 the CHPH Community Association held its first Movie in the Park featuring The Princess Bride. Movie in the Park was extremely popular and it was wonderful to see everyone respecting physical distance. Most of all it was heartwarming to see our community, families, couples, dogs, and even a bunny come out with blankets and chairs to enjoy one of our beautiful park spaces.

This event could not have happened without the thoughtful and generous contributions of businesses in our community so we are grateful to:

Fresh Air Cinema for a discount off the screen cost

Coach Hill Dental for the popcorn

Sobeys Strathcona Square for the pop and water

7-11 for the coffee and hot chocolate

Rexall Pharmacy Strathcona Square for water

Canadian Pizza Unlimited (Pizza donated for the volunteers)

We would also like to thank the business that generously donated prizes for our contact tracing raffle. Each of the 3 baskets was valued at over $200!

1) Mane House of Hair Strathcona Square ($150.00 value hair products)

2) Strathcona Chiropractic and Massage Strathcona Square ($100.00 towards a massage)

3) 97.7 Soft Rock Calgary (2 sets of a pair of movie tickets to Landmark Cinemas, includes snacks)

4) Coach Hill Pharmacy Coach Hill Plaza (Gift Card to Sobeys or Safeway)

5) Schooners Coach Hill Plaza ($30.00 Gift Card)

6) Boston Pizza Richmond Road ($50 Gift certificate)

7) Normandeau Window Coverings Coach Hill Plaza (2 bottles of wine)

8) Splurge Flowers and Gifts Strathcona Square (Gift Certificate)

9) Cycle bar Strathcona Square (5 free rides)

10) Fantabulous Nail & Spa Gift Certificate

Thank you for making the night extra special!


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