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Project Background

Due to declining use, in 2005 the CHPH Community Association did not renew the lease on the building located at 60 Patterson Blvd. SW and since that time has not had a building nor operated a hockey rink. The building, and the old hockey rink behind it, came under the operational control of Badminton Alberta who does not maintain the rink for skating.  


Since 2018, the CHPH Community Association participated in the City of Calgary’s Adopt-a-Rink volunteer program, giving our community a place to be active and spend time with friends, family, and neighbours. Pre COVID, the CHPH also used the space to host several community skating parties, which were very well attended. 

Our little rink’s popularity and success made it clear to the CHPH CA that our community is in much need of a permanent, all-season recreational hub. A place to be active, spend time outdoors, connect with neighbours, and build community spirit. This was the genesis of the Outdoor Activity Hub.


How can you help? We are continuing to apply for grants to meet our fundraising goal but are unable to break ground until we reach 90%. We can't do it without you! Your donations directly help fund the Hub and ensure that this gathering space will serve your family and all members of this community for years to come. 

C o a c h H i l l R d . C o a c h H i l l R d . C o a c h w a y R d . C o a c h w a y R d . C o a c h B l u ff C r e s . C o a c h B l u ff C r e s . Coach H i l l F i e l d Site of proposed plan
Want to donate to the CHPH Outdoor Activity Hub?
Click the button above to donate through Parks Foundation Calgary. Please ensure you select Coach Hill Patterson Heights from the drop down menu. Donations of $100 and above will receive a tax receipt.

Project Overview

In the fall of 2020, the Coach Hill Patterson Heights Community Association Board of Directors approved the commencement of an Outdoor Activity Hub project for the community. After community engagement we prioritized a rink space, community gardens, a natural playground area, and lots of room for gathering such as a green space, seating areas, fire pits. This space can adapt as our community's needs change. 

As of May 2024 we are unable to break ground because we are finalizing drawings that have been reviewed by the City for standards, and continuing to search for grants for our fundraising goals. We hope to break ground in Spring 2025.

Project Committee
Voula Martin, Project Lead, CHPH Communications Director,
Talena Klypak-Borbely, CHPH President,
Marcie Miranda - CHPH Traffic Coordinator 
Smita Sharma - CHPH Treasurer,

Facility Name
Coach Hill/Patterson Heights Outdoor Activity Hub 

Facility Location
6840 Coach Hill Road S.W.​ (the same location as the Adopt-a-Rink at the Coach Hill Fields)

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